Friday, August 12, 2011

Getting Cut Off in the Gym

You know when you get cut off while driving and for a few minutes you're like wtf wtf.. that happened to me today in the gym, yeah, IN the gym. Not actually, but similar concept.

There I was minding my own business doing power cleans in a space probably 2x2 meters cos that's all the space this garbage gym has.. I did my first rep and this guy starts doing his cable chest exercise crap and pulls the cables out right in front of me and I had to stop and wait for him to finish before carrying on. His fellow biceps buddy realized what an idiot move that was and apologized and so did he. Lesson learnt, next time continue anyway and let him realize how stupid he was.

Overall it wasn't a bad lifting day, but I feel I'm starting to do a bit of my own thing in terms of reps and sets rather than follow 100% what's on the program. I changed power cleans to 7 doubles today instead of 5 triples cos at the weight I'm at now 5 triples is making me miss my last few reps. Don't stress the details, get something done that's half decent and you'll be doing better than most of the people I see on a daily basis in the gym.

I saw some guy today wearing some ab thing that did something like work his abs while he exercised, and by exercised I mean did every variation of biceps muscle activation possible, and apparently working abs and biceps at the same time makes you look like this:

Squat - 435 Three singles
Press - 207.5 One single - didn't feel too bad, I'm surprised I got the bar overhead so quickly
Clean - 204 Seven doubles. Not too bad, except for my first rep where I scratched my neck with the bar while racking it. Smooth.

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