Friday, July 29, 2011

It's Official

I'm changing things up on Monday.. I don't have a plan yet, but enough is enough, I need to go back to making some progress. I'm not talking drastic changes, I might even stay on the Texas Method, but just change the order around of the exercises, like put them on different days, or I might change the rep scheme around. I still haven't figured it out 100% but I have a couple of ideas mixing around.

I'm also starting up cardio again as of tomorrow.. I haven't done any consistent cardio in a while and I feel like I need it again. I'll do it once a week and on the weekend so as not to interfere too much with recovery. I'll keep it light-medium intensity. Definitely not for aesthetic reasons. I'll admit I'm on the bigger side, and I'm carrying around some extra weight, but I'm happy with myself and I know I earned the weight because lifting heavy comes with eating at a surplus for a while. I'm thinking of going for 40-50 minutes on the elliptical or spin bike, something like that.

Not too sure why, but I didn't squat too well today, in fact I squatted pretty horribly. I couldn't figure it out cos squatting on Monday and Wednesday went fine, I slept well this week and ate well, so who knows.

Squat - 425 Two singles - Not good
Press - 198 1 rep max. Easy Peasy.
Clean - 194 5x3 - Not too shabby.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

How To Squat

Nothing crazy happening, so I'll write a short blurb about squatting cos I was explaining this to someone today. Squatting is primarily a hip motion; so you descend and ascend by moving the hips (butt) down and out, rather than making the mistake most people do which is to lower and raise the chest. Think of yourself sitting back in a chair as you're going down. Most important is to keep lumbar extension and not relax your lower back, this will significantly increase your risk of injury.

The video below is an excellent demonstration of how to squat properly.. the movement if done correctly looks a little, weird, to say the least, but to be strong like bull you'll need to make some sacrifices.

Squat - 300 2x5
Bench - 205 3x5

I'd like to get to the 5 plate mark one day, hopefully by this time next year that will happen.. maybe not on a Texas Method setup, we shall see.

Monday, July 25, 2011


I think I'm getting to the point where I need to change things up, and quick. The week off did me good, but I can see more missed reps coming soon. It might even be as simple as needing to train in a different gym, just for a change in scenery and also cos the equipment at my gym sucks. My dog was also chewing her bone really loudly last night, and that kept me up for a while, so I'm blaming it on sleep today.

What kind of gym plays two songs at the same time? Like two actual songs, playing at the same time through the same sound system. The gym I go to decided that would be a good idea to do today. It sounded like a really, REALLY bad mix, at some point it was Grenade by Bruno Mars playing over some Eurotrash dance beat and they were out of rhythm just enough to make it sound like a really bad attempt at mixing the two songs.

Squat - 365 5x5
Press - 170 Don't even want to talk about it
Deadlift - 375 1x5

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Friday went pretty smoothly, glad to say I have no complaints outside of the people walking in with their belts on then proceeding to curl for 2 hours straight.

I rediscovered my love for bacon this weekend. I made some pretty good burgers with bacon and onion stuffed inside the patty. NOMS!

Squat - 435 Three singles
Bench - 295 1x3
Clean - 189 5x3

Monday, July 18, 2011


Taking that week off was definitely a good idea. It was still hard to get up at 5 and work up the umph to work out, but meh, I did it anyway. I dropped the weight a little and didn't have too much trouble lifting today.

The best part about the break was that the constant pain in my brachioradialis muscle region was completely gone. It wasn't constant, but it would come and go every time I'd work out and if you look carefully at around 10 seconds in on my last bench video you'll notice me slightly drop the weight as I'm lowering the bar to my chest.. that was because of the pain. In conclusion, I can only attribute this cure to my awesomeness.

Before I benched today I looked over at the bench to make sure it wasn't being used and I wasn't surprised to see someone 1) sitting on the bench, 2) wearing a belt, and 3) curling, as well as assisting himself with his other arm to curl the weight up. I don't know what to say.

I was a little worried about my deadlift form since I seem to get stuck around the same weight, but it looked decent today, so maybe it's getting better.

Squat - 365 5x5
Bench - 240 5x5 (missed the last rep of the 4th set, no biggie)
Deadlift - 370 1x5

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Getting Swole!

I think taking this week off was definitely a good idea for the following reasons 1) I got to sleep in everyday, 2) My CNS needed the break.. squatting and deadlifting in the same day for months on end is very taxing, 3) My drive to lift is coming back, and it was not a good idea because I paid the gym a week for nothing.. sad times.

I need to start cleaning up my diet a bit. Ever since I started working eating out became too easy. I remember when I would have 6 eggs for breakfast with oatmeal, peanut butter and a banana. What the hell was I thinking. I could maybe still do it now, I just wouldn't eat for days afterwards. I need to change things up a bit, if anyone has any fantastical breakfast ideas let me know. I'm thinking of something along the lines of: M&M's, milk, caramel sauce and McChickens.

My goal as of late is to raise a standard sized car off its back (or front) wheels. I haven't tried it or given it too much thought, but after reading that article I posted recently about the guy who lifted a car off of someone, I'd like to think if need be I could do the same.

Next week I'll start by dropping the weight 10% or so and work up from there.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Time For a Break

I'm thinking of taking a week off from the gym, it might be good for me, I'm just getting really tired and coming back after that week off really helps get back into things. It's a good idea to do it every once in a while, just to recharge and give your body time to rest.

I've seem to come to the point where I need to do Friday's squats in singles, rather than a 3 or 5 rep set. 3 singles seems good enough for now.

Squat - 440 3x1 Not too bad.
Press - 205 1 single. Was meant to do two reps but there was no way that was happening
Clean - 199 5x3

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I worked out yesterday at night for the first time in I donno, a year or so. It was like a gym-version of I Am Legend, when all the zombie-type things come out, except the zombie-type things are the muscleheads. I learned about 6 ways to work out my biceps yesterday that I didn't know existed, and all of them required you manipulating your limbs in ways that you would only see someone do in the circus.

I had some trouble pressing 175 today, especially on the last two sets, but what do you expect when you're almost pressing a tractor trailer. EL OH EL. Really though, the cargo area was empty, so it wasn't that heavy.

Squat - 370 8x3
Press - 175 8x3 - ish
Deadlift - 385 1x5

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I didn't go to the gym yesterday.. first time that's ever happened. I just couldn't bring myself to go for a few reasons and I'm glad I waited till today cos lifting today went pretty well.

I think my power cleans go in cycles - 1 or 2 weeks bad, 1 week good, 1 or 2 weeks bad, 1 week good.. no explanation. I was cleaning 90kg today relatively easily and I don't know why. Last week I was struggling with 87.5kg.

Doing curls in a squat rack should be made illegal. If I'm ever in a position to create laws I will see it gets done.

Squat - 435 3 singles
Bench - 292.5 1x2 Second rep wasn't that good
Clean - 198 5x3 Surprisingly well - not looking forward to the traps pain tomorrow.