Friday, June 24, 2011


I think writing my posts within an hour or so of leaving the gym is probably a good idea - all my ideas are still fresh in my head still. I don't really know what the hell I was doing in the gym today. It started out fine then got progressively worse. Let me explain. I always start by squatting - it takes the most effort and all your energy should be reserved for a good squat session. They were okay, not the best, but not the worst either.

Then came pressing. I was going for a new PR of 207.5. Before lifting it I was looking at the weight and I thought good, okay, this is heavy, or rather this looks heavy, but hey maybe I'll get it, I haven't failed a press PR yet. I couldn't have been more wrong. It was insanely difficult. I could barely extend my elbows past 90 degrees, so basically I was just holding the bar. I wasn't too happy, so I tried again and missed. I dropped the weight by 2.5 kilos and made the rep.

Finally came power cleans. I won't talk about them much cos they were a big disaster. I don't know what happened today, but they were just plain and simple - bad. I dropped the weight, then raised it back up, then did some half-assed sets and called it a day.

Some gym atrocity:
1) Fellow gym bro telling his fellow gym bro how to spend an hour on biceps exercises.
2) You don't wear your bluetooth earpiece to the gym - in fact, you don't wear it at all.
3) If you've been training with a personal trainer for 6 months and look the same, something is seriously wrong with your approach to exercise.

Squat - 430 1x3
Press - 204 1RM
Cleans - don't want to talk about it.

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