Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Texas Method and Beef Stroganoff

Today felt...productive. It's a nice feeling to sit back and think you're squatting 275 pounds on a 'light' day. What do I mean by this? Well let me explain.

Like I said in a previous post, I'm working on a Texas Method template. The basic structure of the program is split up into three days: a volume day (Monday), a light/recovery day (Wednesday) and an intensity day (Friday).

Volume? What the hell is volume? Volume is the final number after you multiply the sets by the reps by the weight. For example, if I did 5 sets of 5 reps of 100 pounds, the volume would be 5 x 5 x 100 = 2500 pounds. A typical Monday of volume for me would be 22,000 pounds, but after you consider all the warm up sets and reps, it's not that hard to get to that number.

The point if volume is basically to overload the system and prepare for Friday. Recovery coming off of volume is very important. I'm usually in the most pain on Tuesdays, but with proper food and rest it's gone by Thursday morning.

Wednesday is just a light day, the point is to still keep the motor patterns working, but not to the point where they affect recovery and interfere with Friday's workout.

Friday is the day when new PRs are set. (PR = Personal Record). New weights are lifted and records are made. The volume is the least on this day, but the intensity is the highest, hence the name. So squats for example are done for 1 set of 5 reps, so low volume, but high weight.

Presses are alternated every other week. So one week would focus on shoulder presses on volume day, and on Friday, a 1, 2 or 3 rep max is done. On Wednesday of that week bench presses would be done, and vice-versa if bench presses had been done on Monday.

So that's the TM in brief.


Squat 275 2x5
Press 140 3x5
Back extensions 5x10
Pull ups 3 x Failure (I got to 16, 10, 7).

This recipe was made tonight, and ended up looking like this:

It tasted so good I needed a moment of silence to take it all in.

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