Thursday, June 23, 2011

Monday & Wednesday

I need to keep up with this blog thing; I've been slacking lately. I doubt there are any consistent readers out there, but on the off-chance that there are, I apologize. I also need new things to write about. I started this off as an exercise/nutrition/weightlifting type blog, and I'd like to keep it that way, but sometimes you just run out of things to say.

Since today's Thursday I'll post up Monday and Wednesday's workouts here. Some lifts are getting better. My bench has surprisingly felt easier this week; I usually feel like that's the one I struggle with the most. Now I can go around talking about how much I bench while flexing my pecs and looking all swole. Ballin! Why whenever you work out is the first question you're asked, how much do you bench? What's the correlation between pushing weight off your chest and generally how badass you are?

Olympic weightlifters throw hundreds of pounds up in the air (not literally), but you get the point.. and they don't bench because it limits shoulder mobility. Are they not considered 'strong' anymore? I beg to differ.

Squat - 365 5x5
Press - 170 8x3
Deadlift - 375 1x5

Squat - 300 2x5
Bench - 220 3x5

Back extensions and pull ups (to work the guycepsss)

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