Yesterday was one of those days where multiple times I considered just dropping everything and leaving in the middle of working out. I really had no drive or motivation in the gym. It's not common, but you'll come across days like that which I think is fine. It's normal sometimes not to feel too pumped or maybe you have other things on your mind so really being focused on the workout becomes a challenge.
Don't worry about days like those, it's the bigger picture that counts. Nobody has a perfect track record in anything, there's always ups and downs if you zoom in (on a hypothetical graph of progress), and as long as you feel that on the whole you're improving in what you do then you should be fine.
I did end up finishing the day at the gym but had I had more energy/drive/whatever, it might have been easier or more enjoyable (as if Mondays are ever enjoyable). I don't like the feeling of leaving half way, and it completely messes up the week. Mondays prepare you for Friday on the Texas Method. The other option was just to take the week off, which I've done before when I felt mentally and physically drained. This is also okay.
Squat - 370 5x5
Press - 165 8x3 (hard)
Deadlift - 405 1x5 (I'm thinking of resetting these; I'm not happy with form)
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