Wednesday, March 30, 2011

To answer my opening question in my previous post, yes, it is possible to become more awesome than you already are. This mystical transformation from regular awesome to more awesome happened to me today in my kitchen as I was making the best brownies to ever be made since the start of time.

This is what awesome is made of.

Nothing much to report today other than the usual gym atrocity. Someone decided to take up the stupidity a notch today and instead of being a spotter to spot his fellow gym buddy if he needed help, he decided that he would help him out on EVERY. SINGLE. rep. I don't know if it was a pushing exercise for the bench guy or a pulling exercise for the spotter.

I think khakis guy's fashion is starting to catch on because someone was working out in complete casual clothes; I'm talking jeans, a polo (with the collar up of course) and casual shoes. I mean I can completely understand that; he was so serious about working out today that he had no time to waste in the changing room changing into his gym clothes, so for the sake of fitness and strength gains, he would jump right into the workout no matter WHAT he was wearing.

Squat - 280 2x5
Bench - 192.5 3x5

Back extensions and chin ups

I made BBQ pizza for dinner. I knew it was good before it was done because one of my dogs was standing by the oven the entire time.

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