I've been constantly bombarded lately with so much gym atrocity that I'm starting to question why I even go there, and maybe it's me who goes for the wrong reasons. Let me explain. I walk in, warm up, and get to work. I usually occupy a very small area around the squat rack since most of what I do can be done using only that.
What other people do:
-Walk in
-stroll around the entire gym in their clothes and sunglasses (incase anything like 'The Book of Eli' happens, they're ready)
-scan the area for people they know or will pretend like they know
-stand around said people catching up and being a general dumbass, causing trouble and getting in people's way
-go down stairs to the changing room while making eleven hundred pit stops on the way because the gym decided to place an entire shopping mall between the main entrance and the men's changing room
-model for the mirror while changing and catching up on the news on the strategically placed TV incase hair gel prices suddenly drop and they need to invest
-change into their gym clothes that are bought from shops along the lines of Gucci, D&G and Burberry
-walk back up to the weight room and spot someone they know at the other end of the room
-go ask them about their grandmother
-walk back to the weights and for some reason this kills me every time I see it, but they almost 'test' the free weights, like THE NUMBERS AREN'T RIGHT THERE, and they grab them to see which ones feel heavy today making their way along the entire rack. What is the thought process behind this?
-get right into their work sets without warming up because warming up is not how ballers do it
-flex around in the mirror after each set while putting on their 'don't even look at me wrong' face
-after a total of 55,000 sets of an accumulated 720,000 reps (which for the math-impaired equals 13.09 reps per set and I didn't need a calculator cos I read in some BS magazine that thinking about the gym works my brain biceps) they will go give their fellow gym-goers some useless advice they read in a magazine about drinking g0r|lla-jAck3DPoW3rZzZ-XtrRem33-4000 because it gives them super pumpzzz before the gym and of course the most important part is it's all backed by SCIENCCCCE so it must be right. Please, spare me.
Anyway, this was todays work out:
Squat - 385 1x3 Decided to go for triples for intensity since it will let me focus on depth and form.
Press - 165 1x2 Was meant to be a single but I was able to get one more. Ballin!
Clean - 137.5 5x3 Remember I dropped the weight a while ago? It has helped a million fold, my form has improved a lot and I'm finally learning to rack it on my shoulders properly.
I got a foam roller yesterday and I must say this thing is amazing. Apart from looking kinda awkward when using it, it is very useful and I would definitely recommend it to anyone involved in any kind of physical exercise. Here's a video I refer to when using it:
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