Friday, March 18, 2011

Furious Friday

Furious: 1 a (1): exhibiting or goaded by anger
(2): indicative of or proceeding from anger b: giving a stormy or turbulent appearance <∼ bursts of flame> c: marked by noise, excitement, activity, or rapidity

From the Brittanica dictionary.

So there I was all happy and bubbly while warming up thinking this was going to be a good workout since the gym was practically empty and I had the entire weight room to myself. As I started looking for the plates I noticed that all of the 2.5 and 1.25 kilo plates were missing. Apparently people in the gym today decided to only lift weights in increments of 5.

I looked around for some personal trainers to see if they knew where they were, and they had no idea. I mean what do you say to that? You work in a gym and you don't know that some of the equipment is missing? I didn't know if I should have been a) surprised, b) flabbergasted, c) appalled, d) disturbed, e) offended, or f) all of the above. I decided to go with f).

This baby looks happy compared to how I felt.

Why is it that when I asked them if they knew where the plates are since they're all missing from the weight room, the first thing they go and do is check the weight room to see if they're there. As if I hadn't just finished spending 20 minutes looking around in every crack and corner.

It turns out there was some 'fitness competition' going on in another gym of the same franchise, and since they can't afford equipment they need to share the plates between gyms. Yes, professionalism at its best.

Needless to say I had a word with the manager, who was clueless by the way as to what was going on. The head office is going to get an email from me they're going to love. I wasn't as mad about not getting the right weights for the day as I was that no notice had been posted warning people that some weights would be missing. For people that go in there to actually work hard, it's frustrating.

Anyway, enough ranting, new PRs for today

Squat 375 1x5
Press 157.5 1x5
Clean 155 5x3 (Not too happy with these, I'll need to reset the weight)

I drove out to see my good friend Mr. Hobby Bobby Costa today and sitting in the car for an hour and a half was not my ideal post-work out activity, but as they (I) say, great sacrifices must be made in the pursuit of awesome-fun-times, and awesome-fun-times it is.

Since Mr. Hobby Bobby and I do nothing but eat, and while eating we talk about what the next meal will be, I can say that with 10 hours of sleep tonight and copious amounts of food headed my way, recovery will go well. Well indeed.

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