Monday, May 2, 2011


I think waking up at 5:30 to work out by 6:30 is getting harder to do, especially since Mondays are volume. By the time I was done squatting for some reason I thought about squatting next week and the feeling made me want to quit working out forever. I'm almost at 4 plates for 25 reps on Mondays; it's not easy my friend.

Mark Rippetoe and the crew posted up a new video recently about squat depth, if you're interested here's the link.

It's the second video on the main page

Squat - 380 5x5
Bench - 230 5x5
Deadlift - 380 1x5

Lunch - Everything
Dinner - Everything

1 comment:

  1. LOL, sounds like a well balanced meal for lunch and dinner :P
