Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Finally, someone gets it. Today at work I was discussing weightlifting with someone, and after explaining to her what I do, she says something like, so you can move fridges and stuff if you need to right?

Well, maybe not a fridge, but she got the point! If need be, I can gladly make a huge contribution to moving - if not moving myself, the aforementioned objects (and the sort). Mr Biceps Boys and his fellow crew will find it that much more difficult, if not be able to at all.

Learning to use your muscles is completely different to building muscle. A bodybuilder or someone who trains along those lines hasn't learnt to use his muscles in the same way through neural efficiency as someone who trains for strength. How does a baseball player who has small shoulders than me know how to throw a ball faster than I can? I'm glad you asked. It's because he's learnt to use his muscles in a way that allow for this.

Squat - 305 2x5
Press - 155 3x5

Back extensions and pull ups.

Tell me this guy wouldn't be helpful in carrying your groceries.

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