Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Ok, I'm getting lazy with this thing again, so let me write something before I take another 2 month break. I'm at a point right now where I need to figure out what the hell I'm doing in many areas in life. I need to compete in weightlifting one day, that's on my list of things to do.. so I have to figure that into the plan somehow.

I've never competed before but I know I have the potential to do well *cue 'I Believe I Can Fly'* from Space Jam. I've never been competitive by nature or need to be the top of the top, but it's more about sharing the experience with people with similar interests and experiencing the pressure and mindset of going into competition mode.

Anyway, enough preaching.

Yesterday - Snatch 45kg
Clean & jerk - 95kg, worked up to a single.
Front squat - 90kg 2 reps.

Foam rolling is proving more useful these days.. I need to start making it a habit.

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