I didn't feel like blogging last week after Monday.. just cos.
After thinking about how I'm planning to shuffle around my schedule, I decided I needed something that didn't leave me feeling like I was constantly in a rush in the gym. Mondays are usually very hectic and I always struggle to get my lifts in in under 2 hours. It happens, but I usually compromise on quality of lifts because I have to take shorter rest periods. My best lifts are done on days when I can take my time in between sets. I don't sit around doing nothing, but I take enough of a break that I'm not affecting form.
I looked around the int3rw3bzz for some advice and find a tried and tested layout for the Texas Method that spreads things out over 4 days and gives you more time to get in your lifts. It's something like this:
Monday - Squat and Bench or Press for volume
Tuesday - Power clean for volume
Wednesday - Squat and Bench or Press recovery
Friday - Squat, bench or press, and deadlift for intensity.
I've wanted to deadlift on Fridays for a while now since I usually have more time to workout on Fridays than Mondays.. so this will be good. Maybe I'll start getting better numbers.. we'll see.
Yesterday -
Squat - 370 8x3
Press - 180 8x3 (missed the last rep.. meh)
Today -
Clean - 198 7x2
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