Thursday, July 22, 2010

First post

Since this is my first post, it will probably be short and pointless for the most part. I'm new to the whole blogging thing and I really just signed up to it to be able to share with people the things that generally interest me.

A brief background first: I'm almost done an Honors Bachelor Degree in Biology. It's taken a long time, hard work, and lots of procrastination. The next step is not very clear, but I've learnt to take things one step at a time and not get too ahead of myself.

Nutrition and exercise have become more of a hobby/passion than anything else really and after reading lots, and lots, and lots, and lots, it's nice to be able to share what you find out with others. Note that I'm not a qualified physician/doctor/whatever you want to call it, and any advice or research I provide is purely up to you to follow or not. I've come a long way over the last 2-3 years by following the very, very, very basics and in doing so have discovered a newfound care for my overall health.

I'll try and keep up with this blog as often as I can; I'm still trying to figure out my way around the site.


  1. Sounds good! Best of luck and keep it coming.

  2. coolio! put healthy recipes for the nuitrition part! :D

  3. *im sorry, i fail at spelling lol

  4. What a great idea,you did more than follow the basic,you worked hard and were persistent,looking forward to healthy advice,recipes and much more :)

  5. I'm really happy that you're starting to share your vast knowledge about nutrition/exercise/will power because it is very obvious that you read and know a lot about the good stuff out there that we should follow or at least be aware of. I agree with the previous comment that you did more than just the basics and are consistent. Keep updating us with some good info and recipes! Looking forward to your blogs GGGGG!

  6. Thanks GGG, I appreciate the kind words, and thanks Mom too! :) Check back often, I'll try updating every couple of days or so.
